This is an entry for the PirateSoftware Gamejam 2024

Game Design Document can be found in the external links below.

The objective of this game is to collect memories by completing puzzles. The player can achieve this goal by switching between the main character and a shadow figure. These two characters help each other to reach the memory. The main character can create potions to overcome obstacles or to assist the shadow figure. The shadow figure on the other hand can assist the main character by taking control of objects.

The Theme Interpretation (Shadows & Alchemy)

Mentally climbing out of a dark place in a world that feels overwhelmingly bleak requires transformation and self-acceptance to change your perspective. The theme of shadows will be incorporated both literally and figuratively, featuring a ‘shadow character’ alongside a normal character. The ‘shadow character’ gets reset to it’s spawn point when it touches light and is able to possess certain objects in the levels. The concept of a shadow character also symbolises the dark mental spaces one must escape with the help of others or their memories. One way the shadow character can be utilized in a level is through possession. This character can possess dormant objects, such as boxes, to cast new shadows, allowing safe movement.

This leads to the second part of the theme: alchemy. Alchemy will also be incorporated both literally and figuratively. The protagonist can collect ingredients to create different potions that can change levels in certain ways. Alchemy also represents the practice of inner transformation, which the protagonist must undergo with the help of collected positive memories to banish darkness from the world. The player's goal is to merge the two instances of the protagonist, allowing them to find peace and accept their true selves. This truly happens in the ending cutscene.

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